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Remote monitoring

Our Remote Monitoring tool (RMM) is built to prevent your most important problems, deliver better service and improve your team's efficiency. Monitoring your environment is crucial because of three factors: Security, continuity and performance. Automate software deployment, manage patches and resolve issues across your entire environment with the push of a button.


Promoni service consists of four major parts.

1. Monitoring of CPU - RAM - STORAGE at the server level

2. Data capturing on PC - LAPTOP level

3. Remote Support: takeover of the screen is possible without the user's approval

4. Crucial security patches and updates are mapped centrally


Promoni also allows us to easily draw a report of your environment. For example, we can map the number of devices on which Promoni is active and the number of devices on which, for example, no antivirus is active yet, which devices have an outdated Operating System, etc. With one press of a button, we can show you what is present, but also - and perhaps more importantly - what is NOT present!



Manage and automate all IT from one dashboard!

Remote management

Remote management

Patch and Vulnerability Management

Patch and Vulnerability Management

Audit and Inventory

Audit and Inventory

Network Monitoring

Network Monitoring

Antivirus and Antimalware

Antivirus and Antimalware



Unified backup

Unified backup

Contextual documentation

Contextual documentation

Compliance manager

Compliance manager

Microsoft 365 backup

Microsoft 365 backup

  • One-stop-shop for your IT
  • Management of own data centres