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Looking for specific software for your industry? Then you have come to the right place at Zensoft. For years, Zensoft has been developing software based on input from the market. The underlying goal is always the same: a user-friendly platform that supports your productivity.

Our software packages are completely in-house: development, installation, support and guidance. That way you always have one point of contact. One by one, our products are user-friendly and can be set up according to the needs of the user.


Due to its modular structure Zensoft ERP is suitable for a wide range of companies, regardless of size. Zensoft ERP offers a suitable solution for every activity and sector. In it, Zensoft goes beyond the classic purchase, stock and sales registration.

Purchase proposal | Order list customers | Multi-warehouses - stock per warehouse | Scanning, both online and offline

Debtors: payment reminders | Price management | Price formulas | Gross profit margin | Electronic documents (order form, delivery slip, invoice, etc.)

Online orders and live stock | trilingual interface, multilingual output | software package tailored to suit accountants, auditors and businesses

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Financial software is the backbone of an SME. Zen soft Financial not only supports you in keeping the legal accounts, it also provides a wealth of information that helps business leaders make decisions and develop strategies. With Zen soft Financial, accounting is given a modern twist: we take care of data entry, you focus on data interpretation.

General accounting | Analytical on 3 levels | Budgets on general ledger account and analytical | Lump sum | Charges

Cash book control | Simulations | Performance monitoring with invoicing | Purchases and sales via scanning | Financial: read bank statements (coda) across dossiers



Specialized software for the recycling sector

Sorting, composting and recycling. Gradually everyone is coming to realize that it is a must. Saving the environment, so that we can continue to enjoy a green nature in the future. This trend has also had administrative consequences: the government is imposing increasingly stringent traceability requirements. But that doesn't necessarily mean more work for you, does it?

Zen soft Recyclage offers you a solution that combines your administration in one location. All your activities are combined: from weighing, through purchase and sales contracts, to invoicing, accounting and integrated document management. This allows you to get started quickly and efficiently.

Waste codes: Eural, R&D, Packaging, IIIA, IIIB,. | Waste codes: Eural, R&D, Packaging, IIIA, IIIB, etc. | Transport document: identification form, Annex VII, CMR

Contracts for import and export | Price agreements & daily rates | Weighing slips & purchase orders | Automatic invoicing (incoming and outgoing)

Linking weighbridge, scales, cash control (payment device), camera surveillance | Specific applications for recycling different types of materials (metals, wood, plastics, household waste, etc.)



With Zen soft Tracing, our software specifically developed for companies in the food sector, it becomes a piece of cake to easily map out the path of a problem product. Because no matter in which phase of the production process your company is active, you should always be able to present the trajectory of a problem article in less than 4 hours. Zen soft Tracing provides you with a source of valuable information in no time at all. Our goal: Saving time!

When you purchase a product, you register an identification code. With this code you can quickly retrieve the necessary information afterwards: from the consumer via the transport company and production to the suppliers of raw materials.

Lot registration in purchase, production and sales | Repackaging, mixed lots, etc. | Tracking from customer, supplier and article

Lot mention on delivery note, invoice, etc. | Automatic distribution: scanning with THT, Fifo, etc.

Menu security: each user gets his/her programs | Onlinestock according to product and lot number

Time saving: the registration of the products is done without complicated manipulations

Don't forget that product tracking requirements are becoming more and more stringent. Is your software still appropriate for your business? Does your software allow you to report quickly and efficiently?

  • One-stop-shop for your IT
  • Management of own data centres