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CRM at the heart of your business

Closing more deals faster, gaining real-time insight into sales and collaborating effectively is only possible if your sales people can manage their information quickly and efficiently. That is why a CRM is the ideal tool to lead you or your sales team to even better results.


To make the best use of your CRM, it is useful to link your software to other business applications. After all, not only does your CRM contain valuable (customer) data, other systems also generate interesting data. By adding all the information together, you can better help your customer.

It is also possible to link your CRM to our Voipplay platform. This way, interesting communication flows can be set up that make it possible to communicate in a customer-oriented way. For example, when a call is made, the customer information sheet or outstanding invoices can be displayed immediately.

It is also possible to integrate Voipplay with Teamleader. This way, you can now synchronise all incoming and outgoing calls. Make use of the free trial version of Teamleader!

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