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This website is the property of Trustteam s.a..

Trustteam s.a.
Evolis 78
8500 Courtrai
BE0477 005 418

Company headquarters:
Trustteam s.a.
Evolis 78
8500 Courtrai

T +32 (0)56 23 46 06
Company number: TVA BE 0477 005 418

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Information found on this website is, by nature, general. This information has not been adapted to specific or personal circumstances and may not be considered as representing personal, professional or legal views as far as the user is concerned.

Trustteam PLC have made strenuous efforts to ensure that the information made available is complete and accurate and that it is kept up to date. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies can always occur in the information that is made available. If the information provided happens to contain inaccuracies or if some information should have been made available either on or via the site, Trustteam PLC will take all necessary action in order to rectify this as quickly as possible.

Trustteam PLC may not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information found on this site.

Should you become aware of any inaccuracies relating to information made available via the site, you may contact the site manager.

The contents of the site (links included) may be modified or altered at any time, without prior notification or warning. Trustteam PLC make no guarantees as to the smooth running of the website and under no circumstances may they be held responsible for functioning errors or temporary unavailability of the website or any other form of direct or indirect damage that may come about as a result of access to or usage of the website.

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This site comes under the jurisdiction of Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, only the courts for the Kortrijk/Courtrai area will be considered relevant.

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