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Trustteam support


Are you confronted with an IT incident? Then contact the Service Desk immediately at or via one of the telephone numbers below. We will help you quickly: by phone, via screen capture or at your location.

The Service Desk is available on working days from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm without interruption. Optionally, these hours can be extended (from 7am to 10.30pm) and weekend support is possible. For this you take our 24/7 support option.


Directed support

At Trustteam, you have the option of paying for support on a time-and-expense basis. This means that an overview of the services provided by Trustteam will be drawn up periodically. These services are then invoiced to the customer. The amount of support provided depends, of course, on the number of incoming support questions.

Points contract

With a points contract Trustteam gives you the option to periodically pay a fixed amount to cover the support provided. The first time an estimate is made by Trustteam to cover a three month support period. If Trustteam notices after the first three months that this amount has been over- or underestimated, we will adjust this amount so that you can bridge the predetermined three months.

Support contract

The Trustteam support contract includes both remote support and on-site support for the customer. This includes incident intervention, incident resolution, solution implementation and answering questions related to standard software/Trustteam services. The support contract is only valid for services on weekdays from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

In addition to support, maintenance is also included in the service contract. This includes maintenance of hardware, standard software and Trustteam services, as explicitly mentioned in the contract. Installations of updates (no upgrades!) and patches of standard software. Also, changes to the features, functionalities and operation of the customer's system, maintenance of the systems. Upgrades are never included in the support contract.

It is important to note that IMAC services, programming and development, data conversion, support on specific software and training to the customer & its employees are not included in Trustteam's support services. Please know that these are services that Trustteam can provide in addition.



On top of our three support options, Trustteam can also offer you the option of 24/7 support. When you choose a 24/7 support contract, you can call our support number at any time. After the call, we take immediate action! Contact your Account Manager to discuss what 24/7 support exactly entails and what monthly price is associated with it!

Don't have a 24/7 contract, but do have an urgent problem that needs to be solved immediately? Even then we will immediately get to work for you. Of course we will not make a fuss about whether or not you have a contract. Problems are there to be solved! Leave your details and a brief description of the problem below and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Please take into account the following:

  • Since you are using the on-call service, a start fee will be charged. The services needed to solve the problem will be added to this fee.
  • Our on-call service is intended for crucial and business-critical problems. Problems that can wait until the next day or until after the weekend are not handled by our on-call service.
  • One-stop-shop for your IT
  • Management of own data centres