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Microsoft 365

Trustteam makes it possible to work securely from any location with a Modern Workplace. The numerous applications ensure that you can collaborate easily and efficiently with your entire organisation. It does not matter whether that person works from home, in the office or on location.

Did your company make the switch to Microsoft 365 some time ago, or are you planning to do so? Then there is a good chance that you are not using all of the possibilities of this platform. For example, almost everyone works with Word, Excel and Outlook on a daily basis, but did you know that Microsoft 365 consists of more than 25 applications that you can use to digitise or automate processes?

In addition, digital transformation is a very popular topic and large companies are already fully engaged in this, while we see that SMEs lag behind for various reasons:

  • You have no idea where to start
  • You don't have time to add this to your current activities
  • You are overwhelmed with complex concepts such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, ...
  • You think this is a long-term project that will cost a lot of money


Optimale communicatie binnen uw onderneming

Breng uw medewerkers in contact met elkaar door middel van Microsoft 365

  • Bellen met collega's
  • Chatten met collega's
  • Gegevens delen via Teams op een veilige manier
  • Teams kanalen ontwikkelen voor gerichtere communicatie
  • Vergaderingen opzetten via Teams
  • ...


Welke applicaties kan ik gebruiken binnen Microsoft 365?

What is Digital Transformation?

1. Saving time and money by making current processes more efficient

Working paperless
Mobile working

2. Staying ahead of the competition by focusing on the customer experience to generate more revenue and market share

Make information available online
Provide web portal with status of their projects or orders
EDI integration

3. Determine whether your current product or service is still relevant in the future

Market analysis
Trend analysis
Strategic thinking

1. Efficiency

1. Efficiency

2. Customer experience

2. Customer experience

3. Business model

3. Business model

  • One-stop-shop for your IT
  • Management of own data centres