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The invoice package for entrepreneur and bookkeeper!

As an entrepreneur, you want to be able to focus on your core business. Matters such as your bookkeeping are therefore sometimes secondary. Yet its importance should not be underestimated and you want your bookkeeping to run smoothly.

MyZen was developed to support entrepreneurs and SMEs to easily manage the processing of incoming and outgoing invoices (and the corresponding payments). No difficult accounting terms and as far as possible automated. Everything you need for perfect preparation for your accountant.

Thanks to MyZen, you have a real-time overview of your incoming and outgoing invoices at all times. On a PC, tablet or smartphone.

Curious about MyZen? Do not hesitate to request a free account here. Via this link you can try out MyZen for free for 15 days. This way you can experience for yourself how MyZen makes your life easier.


All preparations for the accountant

With all the functionalities below, you can do all the preparations for your accountant. Then the incoming and outgoing invoices can be forwarded digitally in PDF or UBL form to your accountant. Naturally, MyZen has been integrated with Zen soft, the administrative software developed by Trustteam. Do you work with a different accounting package? That's no problem either, since MyZen can link up with numerous accounting programmes!

MyZen can be seamlessly integrated with Teamleader

Would you like to integrate MyZen with your CRM package Teamleader? No problem at all! Here you can find everything regarding the completion of the integration. You don't use Teamleader yet? Then don't hesitate to use the CRM package temporarily. You can request a test period here.

Scan & Recognise: incoming invoices are scanned using OCR technology. The result? A quasi-automatic administrative processing, while you build up a digital archive.

Scan & Recognise: incoming invoices are scanned using OCR technology. The result? A quasi-automatic administrative processing, while you build up a digital archive.

Creating and sending outgoing invoices and credit notes: Creating, printing and sending (digital) invoices or credit notes is a breeze. Also by registered post or via PEPPOL!

Creating and sending outgoing invoices and credit notes: Creating, printing and sending (digital) invoices or credit notes is a breeze. Also by registered post or via PEPPOL!

Purchase invoice approval: do invoices need to be approved before they are paid? This can simply be done digitally!

Purchase invoice approval: do invoices need to be approved before they are paid? This can simply be done digitally!

Overview of all financial data: what is the outstanding amount of customer X? When was the last reminder sent? Keep a flexible record of all data.

Overview of all financial data: what is the outstanding amount of customer X? When was the last reminder sent? Keep a flexible record of all data.

Follow-up of unpaid invoices: after 3 registered letters still no payment? No problem, in a few clicks you forward the complete file to a debt-collection partner!

Follow-up of unpaid invoices: after 3 registered letters still no payment? No problem, in a few clicks you forward the complete file to a debt-collection partner!

Deduction of payments: automatically link payments received to open invoices. This way, payments of incoming invoices are processed very easily.

Deduction of payments: automatically link payments received to open invoices. This way, payments of incoming invoices are processed very easily.

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