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Scan & recognize

Virtual Invoice
The scanning application of Winbooks that provides you with a quick and clear overview of all incoming and outgoing invoices. Using recognition technology (OCR) you can quickly search through the documents. Think of finding a purchase from the past. This on the basis of name, date, etc.

  • PDF, e-FFF & CODA files
  • Booking proposal is shown and all accounting controls are applied
  • Set up approval flow for purchase invoices
  • ...


Digital invoice processing with workflow and archive. ScanSys uses ImageCapture, which is an intelligent document and data capture software used for digitizing document flows. From invoices to HR files, freight documents, postal items and purchase & sales orders.

  • ImageCapture for Document: Digitize and classify documents using advanced OCR technology.
  • ImageCapture for Invoice: Automated processing of the most complex invoices down to line level, regardless of the document layout. It uses Free Form
  • recognition and OCR.
  • Can be seamlessly integrated with Exact Online, Exact Globe and Exact Synergy.


With Blue10, booking documents (invoices, packing slips and receipts) come together in one system and are seamlessly processed in the financial administration.

In addition, invoices can easily be sent around within the organization for the necessary approval flow. Afterwards, they are easy to find in the digital archive.

  • Access to the internet = access to Blue10
  • Automatic recognition via OCR technology
  • Online collaboration in one place (unlimited number of administrations and users)
  • Digital processing of invoices with additional digital approval flow
  • One-stop-shop for your IT
  • Management of own data centres