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Your cloud-based telephone network

The cloud is more than just a passing trend. Did you know that you can now make phone calls using the cloud as well? You can with Voipplay! Voipplay is an online telephone network based on a virtual (cloud-based) infrastructure. Thanks to the online Voipplay platform, you will be able to access your telephone network, meaning that, in just a few clicks, you can make all the necessary modifications to the personal needs of your company. It will also allow you to make significant savings, and you can buy all of your appliances from us.

What’s more, Voipplay can also be linked to CRM (IMPACTXRM, Zen soft ERP, Zen soft Finance) or any other software, in the interests of working productively.

What is it?

You can phone with Voipplay in the cloud. You therefore do not need to purchase expensive and complex telephone systems, but you can enjoy a flexible online telephony solution.

How does it work?

Corporate network (combined internet and phone)

Corporate network (combined internet and phone)

Retain your number

Retain your number

Innovative features

Innovative features

You can choose for support to be included

You can choose for support to be included

What are the benefits?

User friendly

User friendly

Simple configuration

Simple configuration

Accessible anytime, anywhere

Accessible anytime, anywhere

Always up-to-date

Always up-to-date

How does the price calculation work?

Purchase of devices

Purchase of devices

Monthly costs depend on the number of devices, the number of conversation channels and the number of phone numbers

Monthly costs depend on the number of devices, the number of conversation channels and the number of phone numbers

Installation and activation costs

Installation and activation costs

  • One-stop-shop for your IT
  • Management of own data centres