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Blog - 15 reasons to opt for Trustteam


With 15 years of experience, we have already seen an awful lot. Remember, 15 years ago, nobody was talking about online banking or “cloud-based working”. We were still 5 years away from the first iPhone appearing. The substantial evolution that the IT landscape has undergone in recent years has been drastic. We’ve closely monitored and continue to closely monitor all evolutions in the field.

In 15 years, our team has undergone significant expansion, becoming highly diverse. Youthful enthusiasm? Check! Seasoned professionals? Check! A multi-faceted team who will be more than happy to help you.

You’re looking for a partner for your hardware, but you also want to be able to replace your software or your telephony? No worries, Trustteam can take care of everything.

We like having a personal relationship with our clients. With us, you are far from being just a number. You can count on having a point of contact that is permanent, commercial and technical.

We LOVE IT! But you don’t, perhaps? We’ll be happy to look after all your IT concerns so you don’t have to.

The cloud is the future. This is something we at Trustteam have been aware of for a number of years. Our two data centres are a result of this. We would like to warmly welcome you to the Trustteam-cloud!

Why would you opt for this Trustteam-cloud? Quite simply: your data is within easy reach and we’re directly at the controls – if there is a problem, we’ll take action straight away. Compare this to Microsoft’s data centres, for example: your data is God knows where, but most likely in a country whose legislation is very different from ours here in Belgium. What’s more, you probably won’t have such rapid assistance. Who would you be able to call at Microsoft?

Trustteam is a combination of nerdy and human. Fanatics of ones and zeroes, but realistic enough to know that you’re probably not quite as interested in this sort of thing as we are. Rest assured: we use human language when we’re talking to our clients.

So far, we’ve had 1,500 satisfied customers. Sometimes the figures speak for themselves.

Our range of products contains a mix of renowned general products (SharePoint, for example) our own solutions (including our cloud-based solutions, but also various security products) and bespoke products. If you’re looking for a highly specific product, we can certainly help you with that.

At Trustteam, we specialise in SMEs. Your company is a bit bigger? No problem – we can help you as well. We have various major companies among our clients.

24/7 Service. Because we’re well aware that problems can arise outside of normal working hours (including the weekend). You can always count us.

What we want for our clients is a one-stop-shop for all IT-related issues. We’re at your service.

Trustteam is made up of roughly a hundred dedicated employees with the words “Trust” and “Team” in their DNA. Satisfied customers are what gives us our motivation.

…as a present for our 15th birthday?... :-)

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  • One-stop-shop for your IT
  • Management of own data centres