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Blog - Trustteam blows out 20 candles


Exactly 20 years ago, Trustteam, then still called Trust-IT, was founded in Kortrijk under the leadership of current CEO Stijn Vandeputte. Today, Trustteam serves 6,500 customers and 300 employees in 9 locations. Headquarters in Kortrijk with additional offices in Nazareth, Berchem, Heusden-Zolder & Wavre, the remaining 4 are in France.

For years, Trustteam has been profiling itself as a One-Stop-Shop IT provider or 'Total IT solutions provider'. After starting out in Kortrijk and moving to Marke, Trustteam made the move back to Kortrijk in 2013 and moved into the beautiful black building on the banks of the E17.


Trustteam has been growing rapidly over the past few years, both organically and through targeted acquisitions, always with the aim of broadening its overall offering of IT services and products. This way, the customer only has to deal with one point of contact. 

Well-known acquisitions are Hexios with the product Voipplay (Voice over IP), Compuboek & Zensoft with its years of knowledge in the field of administrative software. From quotation to invoicing to bookkeeping and especially the digitalisation of the administrative process are in our hands. Firmware that is strongly committed to "not working harder but more efficiently" via the Microsoft 365 tools (Excel, Word, PowerApps, PowerBI, Power Automate, ...) and Aspex that has a thorough knowledge of Azure, so Trustteam can offer a hybrid solution with its own 2 private data centres (ISO 27001 and HDS standard). 

In recent years there has been a strong focus on security. Trustteam offers companies an audit-check with the main goal to map out what the customer owns in terms of infrastructure and licenses, but even more important: "what don't they have?" (e.g. missing Antivirus and other security measures). (e.g. missing Antivirus, no password policy, bad working backup, etc.) 

Last but not least, nowadays there is a strong focus on sensitising the end user, by means of false messages the employee is tested on his IT behaviour. Today, many companies still score dramatically on such tests. Nevertheless, phishing is one of the biggest dangers within a company nowadays. Linked to these fake messages or fake phishing mails, we offer online training to avoid such mistakes in the future. 

Trustteam has closely followed all developments over the last twenty years with the aim of completely relieving you, our customer, of any IT worries. Of course, the past twenty years would not have been possible without our customers, employees and everyone who believed in us. Without their trust in our abilities, the Trustteam would not have succeeded in becoming an enormously strong player in the ever-changing IT landscape. Here's to many more years and a sincere thank you from everyone at Trustteam!

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  • One-stop-shop for your IT
  • Management of own data centres