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Blog - Looking ahead to 2023 with Pieter Spiesschaert, CEO of Trustteam Group since July 2022.


In this year 2023, the Trustteam Group has more than ever the ambition to support you in the field of IT. We advise and support you in all your projects thanks to our expertise.

And to respond even better to your daily needs and your future projects, our group is constantly moving forward.

Let's take a few minutes to discuss it with Pieter Spiesschaert, appointed CEO of the Trustteam Group since July 2022.


Pieter, congratulations on taking over the role of CEO of the Trustteam group. Did the passing of the torch with Stijn Vandeputte go smoothly?

Thank you, it went very naturally. For 16 years, we have shaped the history of Trustteam together, and our roles have evolved little by little.

Today Stijn is mainly dedicated to his role as Chairman of the Board of Directors and in particular to the development strategy of the Trustteam group. Therefore, we continue to work closely together, as we have always done, with this new distribution of tasks of course.

It's true, you were hired by Trustteam 16 years ago. This allowed you to acquire a great experience through different roles!

Yes, I started my career at Trustteam in technical roles. At first, I had very little computer science experience so I took a lot of trainings and studied a lot. Then I took care of implementation projects. I went on with various roles as team leader in support, infra, then in software department and mainly for the development of our occupational medicine-oriented tool, now Pulse, then Health@work. This is when I worked directly with the teams in Kortrijk and Romania.

And since 2019, after the merge of Dsoft and BSI and then TL Systèmes in France, I have been mainly focused on the development of the activities in France to set up Trustteam France in the Nancy area and Colmar.

How do you manage the different entities as CEO of the Trustteam group?

We are active in three major regions, i.e. in Flanders & Wallonia (Belgium) and France in the Grand-Est. It is essential for me to be in direct contact with all the teams. It’s important for me to visit the headquarters of each of these regions on a regular basis.

Meeting our employees on site allows me to build relationships within the group and this lets us have informal contacts, of course.

It's just as our customer relations: we want to maintain a close relationship between each other to maximize our responsiveness and meet the expectations of all our customers.

How would you define yourself as a CEO?

I would say that I’m in a role of a mediator, or ombudsman between the different teams and regions. I ensure consistency between the different departments and regions to move forward together towards the future.

As CEO of Trustteam - just like each of the roles that I consider at a "group" level, i.e. human resources, marketing, finance and internal IT - I want to build and maintain relationships between entities and regions in order to include everyone in the same vision and the same strategy.

2023 has just begun. What is the program this year at Trustteam in terms of growth?

We are committed to providing each of our customers with the best service possible. We never lose sight of that. This is why each of the companies integrated into the Trustteam group is always rigorously and systematically selected with the aim of being able to offer a complete and complementary range of IT solutions for our customers.

These new acquisitions automatically join our technology ecosystem.

Our ambition for growth is real. And logically, it is also coupled with our ambition to offer an efficient and complete range of services.

And for the Trustteam employees, what do you want to implement in the coming months at group level?

Trustteam as a Group is rather new and our ambition is quite simple. We aim to consolidate this feeling of belonging to a group among our employees. They obviously remain linked to their region but no longer solely.

The local dimension will always remain essential and the strength of our group is to guarantee a solid base for our employees and our customers.

Do not forget that our priority is to adapt to the specific needs of our customers. For this reason we join our forces and share our knowledge to strive towards a single final goal: to meet and even anticipate the needs of each of our customers.

To do this, we want to involve our employees in the evolution of our group by offering them the opportunity to develop. This is possible thanks to the variety of projects on which we work in the group. This ranges from software R&D to the implementation of complete IT infrastructures, including the Cloud, cybersecurity and communication and collaboration tools.

We also progress more quickly in our projects thanks to the strength of our group, while remaining close to our customers. I am thinking, for example, of our Cloud & Connectivity offer, which is sometimes more advanced in one region than in another.

We are therefore setting up a win-win. Local expertise is developing and is available for our group and the strength of our group is invested in serving local entities.

How does a typical Trustteam employee look like?

The ideal employee is curious and involved in the company and in its professional development. This last asset is essential in the computer world which is constantly evolving.

We make it a point that each employee is a unique link in our group to build together our expertise and solutions of tomorrow.

Finally, how do you define the values of Trustteam?

Trustteam's DNA is truly based on proximity, responsiveness, service and expertise.

This applies both internally, between employees and towards our customers as partners.

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